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Social Enterprise

As the CEO of Compassion Education, I base my business profile on the belief that everyone should have access to the areas of interest to them, be supported in their desire for knowledge, and receive formal recognition.

Learning opportunities are available to any who (qualifies, desires, and fully participates) because the training is tailored to facilitate those who have a passion and a desire to learn and grow in their skill development.

The fees for Compassion Education are set to ensure that we provide a service that develops highly qualified educators/workers (our foundational purpose) while allowing for growth as a training provider.

Compassion Education, therefore, has a fee structure of affordability and ease of access to enable all learners to engage in their chosen training endeavors. 

Our philosophy is to help break social and ethical limitations within society, and to support and empower all learners to achieve their goals.

Find Out About Enrolment Today!

Do you have an enquiry about one of our courses or enrolment? Not a problem. The courses we currently offer are a Certificate III In Early Childhood Education & Care and a Diploma Of Early Childhood Education & Care. They are available online for remote learning across Queensland and Australia-wide. We’ll be more than happy to provide any guidance or information you need; simply call or leave a message and we’ll get back to you ASAP. 

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81 Moore Street, Kingaroy, Queensland 4610  

Trading Hours

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